rminal gD|D| gD|D| g.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( "Cancel" dlgBox "524480,3," & x & "," & y & ",152,128,,," & --org LB,12.88,9.19,128.80,82.42,7,1352728577,131, ,OK,20.34,99.65,50.90,12.31,8,1342242817,128," \ LB,12.88,9.19,128.80,82.42,7,1352728579,131, ,OK,20.34,99.65,50.90,12.31,8,1342242817,128," \ --mul LB,12.88,9.19,128.80,82.42,7,1352728587,131, ,OK,20.34,99.65,50.90,12.31,8,1342242817,128," \ & ",0," & & ",83.09,99.65,50.86,12.31,9,1342242816,128, dlgInit "listbox LB,l7, BOK,b8,TRUE ,b9,FALSE" "An initialization error occurred." retValue , "nlistbox LB") "User Chose" && unlinkDLL " "/"/"/"/"/"/"/"/"/"/"/"/ --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( init dlgInit ,"","") function d"Dialog Message", , "dialogMessage1") retValue dlgBox ", "") buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit Dialog Message dialogMessage1 setValue dlgBox dialog retValue dlgInit button OK,b7,TRUE button Cancel,b8,FALSE ,b9,FALSE ,b10,FALSE ,b11,TRUE dlgBox 524480,6,30,20,142,128,,,Dialog,8,Helv,,39.05,24.78,84.00,13.17,6,1350631424,129,Edit,0,OK,14.78,93.13,50.86,12.31,7,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,74.51,93.13,50.86,12.31,8,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,,12.91,8.70,50.86,12.31,9,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,50.91,50.86,12.31,10,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,69.01,50.86,12.31,11,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0 ctrlID Link Radio Button to Edit Control --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( init dlgInit ,"","") function d"Dialog Message", , "dialogMessage3") retValue dlgBox ", "") buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit Dialog Message dialogMessage3 setValue dlgBox dialog retValue ctrlID dlgBox 524480,6,30,20,142,128,,,Dialog,8,Helv,,39.05,24.78,84.00,13.17,6,1350631424,129,Edit,0,OK,14.78,93.13,50.86,12.31,7,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,74.51,93.13,50.86,12.31,8,1342242816,128,Don't Dismiss,0,,12.91,8.70,50.86,12.31,9,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,50.91,50.86,12.31,10,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,69.01,50.86,12.31,11,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0 D dlgInit ,e6,Edit button OK,b7,TRUE button Cancel,b8,BRAD ,b9,TRUE ,b10,FALSE ,b11,FALSE Don't Dismiss on Button Click --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( init dlgInit ,"","") function d"Dialog Message", , "dialogMessage2") retValue dlgBox ", "") buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit Dialog Message dialogMessage2 setValue dlgBox dialog retValue ctrlID dlgBox 524480,6,30,20,142,128,,,Dialog,8,Helv,,39.05,24.78,84.00,13.17,6,1350631424,129,Edit,0,OK,14.78,93.13,50.86,12.31,7,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,74.51,93.13,50.86,12.31,8,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,,12.91,8.70,50.86,12.31,9,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,50.91,50.86,12.31,10,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,69.01,50.86,12.31,11,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0 dlgInit ,e6,Edit button OK,b7,TRUE button Cancel,b8,FALSE ,b9,TRUE ,b10,FALSE ,b11,FALSE Link OK Button to Edit Control linkDLL "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( Make info fit Command Window CommandWindow 122,351,530,468 -- Get the init property dlgInit +,"","") function SDialog Message , "dialogMessage") Call retValue dlgBox $, "") buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit Dialog Message dialogMessage setValue dlgBox dialog retValue ctrlID dlgBox 524480,6,30,20,142,128,,,Dialog,8,Helv,,39.05,24.78,84.00,13.17,6,1350631424,129,Edit,0,OK,14.78,93.13,50.86,12.31,7,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,74.51,93.13,50.86,12.31,8,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,,12.91,8.70,50.86,12.31,9,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,50.91,50.86,12.31,10,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,69.01,50.86,12.31,11,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0 dlgInit ,e6,Edit button OK,b7,TRUE button Cancel,b8,FALSE ,b9,TRUE ,b10,FALSE ,b11,FALSE Merely Report Each Message --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( init dlgInit ,"","") function d"Dialog Message", , "dialogMessage4") retValue dlgBox ", "") buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit Dialog Message dialogMessage4 setValue dlgBox dialog retValue dlgInit ,b5,TRUE ,b6,FALSE ,l7,Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 dlgBox 524480,3,30,20,142,128,,,Dialog,8,Helv,,12.91,91.12,50.86,12.31,5,1342242817,128,OK,0,,78.25,91.12,50.86,12.31,6,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,,12.91,12.72,115.73,66.34,7,1352728579,131,NoDismiss,0 ctrlID Don't Dismiss on Double Click limitEditText linkDLL "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( init dlgInit ,"","") ~function Set the Dialog Message , "dialogMessage5") Call retValue dlgBox ", "") buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit Dialog Message dialogMessage5 setValue dlgBox dialog retValue dlgInit ,e6,Edit button OK,b7,TRUE button Cancel,b8,FALSE ,b9,TRUE ,b10,FALSE ,b11,FALSE dlgBox 524480,6,30,20,142,128,,,Dialog,8,Helv,,39.05,24.78,84.00,13.17,6,1350631424,129,Edit,0,OK,14.78,93.13,50.86,12.31,7,1342242817,128,OK,0,Cancel,74.51,93.13,50.86,12.31,8,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,,12.91,8.70,50.86,12.31,9,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,50.91,50.86,12.31,10,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0,,12.91,69.01,50.86,12.31,11,1342177289,128,Pushbutton,0 ctrlID Limit Edit Text Here we link the Windows SDK functions that we will call -handlers below. linkDLL "user" gGetDlgItem( ) -- Always verify <> 0. GetWindowTextLength( EnableWindow( CheckRadioButton( gSetFocus( SendDlgItemMessage( SendMessage( a generic OpenScript " proc". called qtbkdlg.dll following SetValue("Dialog , "message") be sent (e.g., dialogMessage) This specific just puts ] parameters O hDlg, wMessage, wParam, lParamLO, lParamHI ,: " & 5 &CRLF& \ ?: " & " & T: " & ]: " & are procs" RBs" box. They essage1) Each does something possible only qDLL. Values used these -- 6 control. -- 7 "OK" pushbutton. -- 8 "Cancel" "Don't Dismiss" -- 9,10, lids radio buttons. -- 768 constant EN_CHANGE. -- 1025 M_SETSEL. -- 1033 7LB_GETCURSEL. links (9) (8). When clicks on radion be shifted Also, entered allows dialogs such %ToolBook's "Run..." #, where linked 1 Name" dialogMessage1 = 6 = 768 getWindowTextLength( ) <> 0 checkRadioButton( 9, 11, 9) hEditControl -- Important test, xexist yet. -- -- Below, 2147418112 = MAKELONG(0,7FFF). -- , 1025, 0, 2147418112) B(7) (8). enters enabled. deleted disabled. ..." dialogMessage2 = 6 = 768 hOKButton ) <> 0 F, 1) [, 0) makes use fact been changed so its init value neither TRUE nor FALSE. canceled, xdismissed, rather ..." dialogMessage3 "User chose "" listbox has "NoDismiss". ..." which }-clicking "Directories" merely updates controls. -- 5 "OK" -- 6 -- 7 -- 1 LBN_SELCHANGE. -- 2 LBN_DBLCLK -- 1033 dialogMessage4 " = 7 selected Add 1 because 0-based. selectedLine 7, 1033, 0, 0) + 1 = 1 licked " && = 2 DOUBLE-clicked " && limits values shown %follows: -- 6 tequivalent -- ( hiword -- 1045 EM_LIMITTEXT -- are: dialogMessage5 = 6 = 768 6,1045,10,0) scripts level dialogMessage1 dialogMessage2 dialogMessage dialogMessage3 dialogMessage4 enterBook dialogMessage5 rightButtonDoubleClick enterBook GetDlgItem GetWindowTextLength EnableWindow CheckRadioButton SetFocus SendDlgItemMessage SendMessage dialogMessage hDlg: wMessage: wParam: lParamLO: lParamHI: lParamHI lParamLO wParam wMessage dialogMessage1 getWindowTextLength checkRadioButton GetDlgItem SendMessage SetFocus hEditControl lParamHI lParamLO wParam wMessage dialogMessage2 GetDlgItem getWindowTextLength EnableWindow EnableWindow hOKButton lParamHI lParamLO wParam wMessage dialogMessage3 User chose "Don't Dismiss" lParamHI lParamLO wParam wMessage dialogMessage4 SendDlgItemMessage User clicked listbox item User DOUBLE-clicked listbox item selectedLine lParamHI lParamLO wParam wMessage dialogMessage5 SendDlgItemMessage lParamHI lParamLO wParam wMessage rightButtonDoubleClick